Danny Gellersen, LICSW, FIPA
Psychoanalysis + Psychotherapy
I have over 17 years experience working in a variety of mental health settings. I received my bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Utah State University and went onto complete my Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of South Carolina.
I completed psychoanalytic training from the National Training Program at the National Institute of Psychotherapies (www.nipinst.org) located in NYC, in December 2021.
My local clinical home is the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (NPSI): https://npsi.us.com. I teach both at NPSI, as well as for the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (SPSI): https://spsi.org
Periodically, I teach/speak for the University of Washington. I have predominantly taught courses on clinical social work and the impact of trauma on personality structure.
I am a passionate student of the arts--most especially drawing and writing.
I am licensed in Washington state as an (LICSW) LicensedIndependent Clinical Social Worker (#LW 60233674). I am licensed in New York State as an (LCSW) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (#094917).
Clinical Affiliations:
International Psychoanalytic Association
International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
National Institute of Psychotherapies
Clinical Social Work Association
Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study
National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis
Areas of Interest
I tend to think of “specialty” in the context of ,areas of interest, rather than any sort of mastery towards a particular type of person's life experience.
That said, there are certain cultural nuances I may be somewhat more acquainted with than some others. Here is a list of those areas:
White Folks undoing racism
Mixed-Ethnic/Racial identity
Religious background
Therapists seeking a therapist/psychoanalyst
Tagalog/Filipino culture/language (Please note I am not ethnically Filipino).